© Copyright 2012 Chemical Biology Ventures Limited. All Rights Reserved. Registered in England & Wales number 7968150. Registered office: 30 Upper High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3EZ. Address for correspondence: 123 Alexander Close, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1XD
Creating new antibacterial medicines
Antibacterial R&D
Contact CBV
Lloyd Czaplewski is an International Opinion Leader & successful Scientist Entrepreneur in the antibacterial R&D sector.
"Over 15-years experience in antibacterials has taught me what works & what does not. That is invaluable expertise that clients can benefit from"
Key successes:
Target validation - over 300 potential targets analysed in detail
Screening - over 150,000 compounds screened against multiple bacterial pathogens & targets
Created class-leading antibacterial DNA supercoiling GyrB/ParE ATPase inhibitors with competitive preclinical efficacy and pharmacology - ready for candidate nomination with a strong unrelated back-up series.
Created the first efficacious inhibitors of bacterial cell division that target the GTPase FtsZ
Devised portfolio growth strategies to address Gram-negatives  targeting multi-drug resistant strains eg NDM-1, using innovative chemistry
Commercial success - building & selling an antibacterial business